I offer a highly personalized approach to therapy, based on 20 years of mind-body practice.

Some of the approaches I offer:

Psychodynamic listening and thinking

In this approach to therapy, I create a wide-open space for listening and meaning-making where nothing is left out: from the past to the present, from dreams and fantasies to the ordinary and mundane. Psychodynamic therapy is a beautiful, co-created process that can facilitate deep acceptance and empowerment in our lives.

Emotion-focused, body-focused sessions

This is an experiential approach to therapy in which I take an active stance, helping you move from the thinking mind into the feeling body. Privileging the physical body during sessions can facilitate new experiences of yourself, bringing faster symptom relief and deeper change.

Integrating collective healing and liberation

The healing we experience in individual psychotherapy may give us greater capacity to face and transform the collective challenges we face as a species. If you wish, we can discuss and integrate these elements into our work.

Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation by phone or video call.